2015년 9월 10일 목요일

Best of Clio
Stylekorean editor Jason
                                                                             Sep. 11th, 2015

A few months ago, there was a big hit Korean Drama, ProduSA.  There showed many Korean cosmetic items.  One of them was Clio’s 3 items.  Clio’s reputation has been gained popularity after an screening Drama.  Kill Brow has been sold out more than 1 million so far, and this brand is sailing really well in Korea and Asia Cosmetics market.  With its unique color variety and it luxurious design will attract women mind for the time being or some more.

No. 1. Kill Cover Liquid foundation Cushion

No. 2. Virgin Kiss Tension Lip #09 in this scene.

No. 3. Tinted Tatoo Kill Brow

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